Cold War Kids Coming to Wisconsin
So...I know I'm supposed to still be on vacation, but I just wanted to mention that if you aren't planning on attending the Cold War Kids/Tokyo Police Club show in Madison in March, you better. Ryan scooped this a long time ago on Muzzle of Bees, but just in case you forgot, these are two of the better bands of 2006 and a show you absolutely can't miss for $12:
Cold War Kids, Tokyo Police Club, Delta Spirit
Thursday, March 8, 2007
8:00 PM
The Annex
1206 Regent St.
Madison, Wisconsin 53715
Here's a few tracks from the benefit show they put on at the District Lounge back in September, currently available for download at the band's website:
Cold War Kids - "I Don't Wanna Grow Up"
Cold War Kids - "Die Die Die"
Cold War Kids - "Littlest Birds"
Cheers, and again, see you in '07 (aka Monday)...